The past few days have felt fairly uneventful but have simultaneously been some of the most memorable days of my life. Warning! The following blog post is kind of personal and feelings-y, sorry about it!
We were all pretty exhausted when we got back from our excursion to the Alps, so I definitely spent more alone time in my room in the apartment than I had thus far in the trip. In my everyday college life, I’m usually an introvert who needs her alone time every day, but up until this point in the trip I had spent most of my time each day with others out and about in Vienna. I think this trip has taught me that I am more capable of spending time and connecting with other people for longer periods of time during the day that I thought it was. A little fact I wasn’t expecting to learn about myself on this trip!
I’ve now swam in three different areas of the Danube River, I think I still like swimming in the ocean more than a river, but I’ve definitely had fun. The atmosphere by the Danube feels a lot different than the atmosphere that I’m used to at American beaches. American beaches usually feel so crowded and somehow stuffy and judgmental (perhaps more so on the East Coast than the West Coast). On the Danube, the environment felt very free and nonjudgmental, especially because everyone is allowed to be topless. I knew I was tired of the Puritan, stuffy influence in the US, but I feel that resentment even more fiercely here.
There are a handful of people on this trip who I’ve gotten especially close to. It’s amazing how you can get to know people so well in just two weeks. I will remember the conversations I’ve had with others on this trip for a long time to come.
Also, an update on the Indian food here! We went for Indian food again last night and it was better than the first Indian place, but still lacked any hint of spice whatsoever. The samosas really hit the spot though!
