During class one morning, Kathy mentioned taking some of the boys to buy lederhosen at a store called C&A in Vienna. After a museum visit and a good meal, some of us decided on a whim to visit the store and try these pieces of traditional German/Austrian garb on. The boys tried on lederhosen and the girls tried on dirndls. It was a lot of fun! Then on another whim, we all decided to buy an outfit and we planned to wear it to class the next day to surprise Kathy. I mean how could we not? The dirndls were on sale!
I wasn’t expecting to like wearing it so much but it was really fun to twirl around Vienna. We wore our outfits to class and then went to a beer garden for lunch in them too. We got quite a few stares walking through the city but it was a fun-filled day I’ll never forget. We’re planning to wear our outfits at least one or two more times while we’re here. And of course, we took lots of pictures as we pranced around town.

Later that day, we changed and blogged in a funky coffee shop called Das Moebel Café where all the furniture was mismatched. I really liked the atmosphere and the fact that we could stay as long as we wanted and get work done while enjoying our beloved caffeine.
